Online Appointments
Most routine maintenance procedures and repairs can be completed within the
same service day. Scheduling an appointment for repairs is especially
helpful to ensure the amount of "down time" is minimized. Let us know what
day will be most convenient and we'll be certain to allocate the needed time to
complete service on your vehicle.
Click Here to make an appointment.
No Contact Required Auto Repair
If you have been concerned about being exposed to
the virus when dropping off or picking up your vehicle, we have a solution for
Now you can download, fill in and print our "Night
Drop Form" in the comfort of your home or office. Place it in an envelope
with your keys and either insert it in the night drop mail slot located in the
main garage door (pictured below) when we are closed or when we are open park
the car in our parking lot and call us to let us know the car is here.
Leave the keys and Night Drop Form in the unlocked
car and when we come out to accept the car you can take off, eh.
When your car is done, we will call and you can
make payment over the phone on your credit card. Call when you are here
to pick up the car and we will place sanitized keys and copy of the work order
in the car and you are ready to go.
After hours pick up arrangements can also be